Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daegu Theater Troupe's 24 Hour Theater Project

Daegu Theater Troupe's 3rd 24 Hour Theatre Project was Saturday night. For those of you who don't know what a 24 hour theater project is, all interested participant met friday night and we were put into groups: 1 writer and 3-4 actors. The writers then went home and wrote a 10 minute script overnight. The actors met at 9am the following morning and we rehearsed the play all day and performed at 9pm.

It was my first time acting in one of these and it was an enjoyable yet extremely tiring day. My play was "The Traveler and the Central Midwestern Barry Manilow Fanclub." I played the founding member of The Central Midwestern Barry Manilow Fanclub (CMCBFC for short). We meet a time traveler who comes back in time to discover why Mr. Manilow was ever famous because his fame apparently leads to the future dark ages.

I wish I could write about the other plays, but by the time of the dress rehearsal and performance I was so exhausted that I don't clearly remember the other plays. I recall one was about a guy who creates a robot girlfriend. I liked this one because it had a lot of nerdy references. Another one was very serious. It was about a school shooting. The subject matter didn't play very well in this setting. The other two plays were really good, but I don't remember what they were about. Sorry I can't give a fuller representation of the night. My body does not react well to sleep deprivation and being on my feet all day.

Here are some pictures from the event:

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