Monday, January 25, 2010

Remember to Smile

Now that I've been here for two months life has become fairly routine but its very important for me to step back and remember how amazing it is that I'm living in South Korea halfway around the world for everyone and everything I know. I'm living in a country where I don't speak the language and can't even read the language. I stand out like a sore thumb wherever I go and am often stared at because of this fact.

My writing this post was actually prompted by something that happened to me today (technically not today since I didn't get around to finishing this post on the same day it happened). A woman I did not recognize was at my school today, she may have been there to enroll her child in school, but I don't know for certain. I was sitting at a computer and she starts talking to me in Korean. I smile at her in a way that says, "I have no clue what you're saying." I then turn to one of the Korean teachers and she interprets for me. The woman apparently said to me that I'm very beautiful and look like a doll. (This was translated for me by one of the Korean teachers). I nodded my head in a way I hope came across as saying, "Thank you, you are so kind." She went on to say to me via the Korean teacher that I should learn to speak Korean so I can communicate with people. I nodded my head in agreement and said, "Ney" (Yes in Korean). This really has nothing to do with anything, it just brought a smile to my face. Sometimes you get so involved with work and and the stresses of life that you forget to appreciate the small things and life and remember to smile.

It's also been brought to my attention that my few dedicated blog readers have no idea what South Korea looks like. I don't have many good pictures of the city just yet so here are a few images of Downtown Daegu stolen from the internet.


  1. You've been there 2 months and all you know how to say is "yes"? What if you're lost? Or have to go to the bathroom? I was always told to learn how to find the bathroom and say "how much?" "too much!" Pretty pictures though! Wish I could come visit!

  2. For you information, I can say more than just yes. I can say hello, thank you, how much, one, two, you know, all the important words.

  3. oh and i can tell a cab driver, "go straight" and "stop." An, of course, the most important word you need to know in Korean: Cucumber (Oy)
