Monday, February 1, 2010


Do you ever sit back and wonder how long you've been watching Korean television without even realizing that you don't understand a word being said?

My best guess is about two hours. I believe the English language movie I was watching ended about two hours ago and I didn't even notice that the new program is in a language I don't understand. I'm so accustomed to Korean being the background to my life that I didn't feel the need to change the channel (I assume). It's not like I just sit around all the time watching tv in my apartment, I'm doing other work on my computer, but I enjoy having the tv on in the background. I would typically chose something I could understand, but the shift in shows (and languages) didn't even phase me.

Just an observation I made.

I promise a longer post soon and perhaps even some picture of my apartment.

Oh, one more thing - Korean Pop Music (KPop) - awesome or awful depending on your music tastes. I lean more towards awesome although I'd never just sit down and listen to it in my free time, but everyone back home should really check out a few songs. This is the music I hear constantly. Its blasted from stores downtown and is featured on tv commercials.

My personal favorite: Mazel Tov by ZE:A

Update: 12:25am: American Idol just came on and I find it incredibly distracting and unenjoyable. Must change the channel now.

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