Monday, November 30, 2009

Last Weekend (Don't Try This At Home)

I guess I need to start updating this thing about my day to day life here in Daegu so here is a post about my weekend.

I would like to preface this by saying that Koreans and English teachers alike work really had and party just as hard. Definitely not the lifestyle I had while back in the states but I'm enjoying myself now that I'm here.

Friday: We (me and the other foreign teachers at my school) got done work at 7:30pm with full knowledge that we have a makeup day on Saturday starting at 11am. But it's Friday night, we can't just stay in because we have work the next day. We head downtown at around 11pm to a restaurant and share a bottle of wine and have good conversation. A while later we head to a bar that I hadn't been to before and don't remember the name of and share multiple pitchers of beer between seven people, but the night is not over yet. We head to our final location after 2am (I'm not sure of the exact time). We head to Who's Bob, a very popular foreigner bar in Daegu that I had been to several times. It's a good place if you're interested in playing foosball or playing pool or dancing. I ended up staying much longer than anticipated. A word to the wise: that tequila shot you want to take a 5am, just say no, especially if you have to be at work in six hours. It's just a bad idea. The night ended at Orange Place (the ubiquitous restaurants around Korea where you can get a variety of great, cheap food) at 6am. I was home by 6:30 and would wake up in a mere three hours to start my work day.

Saturday: As you would expect from the amount of sleep I got, Saturday was a bit rough. The classes all seemed long, longer still because of the fact that so many students didn't show up so we couldn't cover new topics. It was just a lot of reviewing what had already been taught. I felt bad for the students because nothing important was being taught and they had to give up their Saturday to come to school, as if they don't already go to school enough. Saturday night, despite our exhaustion went out again. This was a more chill night spent at another popular foreigner haunt, Communes. We spent the night watching a rugby game on TV - Ireland vs. South Africa. I was the only American in the group and didn't really know what was going on. It was explained to me a bit, but I still wasn't clear on the rules of the game. It was interesting to watch even if I wasn't fully aware of what was happening on the field. The night ended at the very respectable hour of 2am.

Sunday: I was supposed to go sight seeing with a friend, but the weather was pretty awful - rainy and cold - so I decided to just use my Sunday to rest and try to get over this cold that has developed over the past week. If I'm gonna go to a temple I'd prefer it be nice outside for the sake of the photos I want to take. Sunday night I went with a few people to this break dancing show. It was pretty amazing, that's all I have to say.

All in all, a pretty good weekend.

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