Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Actually Have Energy So Why Not Update The Blog

I'm sitting in my mess of an apartment and thinking to myself, "Wow, I don't feel sick and tired anymore. This is amazing! What should I do? I could wander around downtown again, but its already 10pm and I don't know how late stores stay open. I know! I will clean and update my blog and upload the few pictures I've taken."

My energy level could have something to do with the fact that Tuesdays are my easiest day. I only teach four classes as opposed to Mondays and Thursdays when I teach eight classes with only a five minute break between classes. Whatever the reason, I'm happy to be having a productive Tuesday night.

There is still so much of Daegu that I haven't seen yet, but I have gone out and explored a bit. A week and a half ago I went to Suseong Lake, which is about a half hour walk from my apartment. It kind of reminds me of the Public Garden in Boston because it feels very man-made and there are swan boats that people can ride in. It was a nice little excursion.

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