Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I've Been Here for One Month

Yesterday marks my being in Korea for one month. I know I should have updated this yesterday but I didn't feel like it and I got side tracked with doing other stuff that I should've done a while ago.

So yesterday, instead of updating the blog, I did a few things to make it feel like I fully live here. I finally cleaned out my wallet. I have no need for those four dollars and three cents in my wallet. And that Berryline card I had in my wallet, I know I will get a free one one day but not for a while. And I doubt I will be riding the MBTA any time soon. So I will put aside the cash, my T pass, and the five frequent buyers cards. They are a symbol of my life in Boston, a life that I've left behind in search of something new, an adventure. In their place are the many South Korean cards I've already acquired.

I also finally hung up my pictures. I don't know why I waited this long to hang them up. When I went abroad, hanging up my pictures came only second to unpacking my suitcases. But now that is done so I am officially moved in with nothing left to do to set up my apartment. It's a crazy feeling to know that I really live here and don't have anything left to do to establish myself here.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finally nesting! :) Might want to keep that T pass handy, never know when you might need to catch a transfer! So when do we get to see pictures of the place? Now that you've hung up the pictures you have no more excuses!
