Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello there, Long Time No See

I know, I know, its been weeks since I've updated this thing. Please accept my sincere apologies. It's been an interesting few weeks in Daegu for me. The initial excitement of being here has started to wear off and what I'm left with is the reality of life here. I still think it's great that I'm doing this. It's an opportunity to see some of the world and learn about myself in the process, but I've become a bit homesick recently. It's nothing major and I know this feeling will pass, but currently I'm missing home and my friends. But I am here to make the most of this experience and that's what I'm gonna do.

Work: Teaching has become fairly routine now. I know what to expect from my classes and my students and I like that. Things will definitely change in the future but I'm happy for the time being I have a handle of what I'm doing at work. Currently we are on school vacation. No work until the new year!

What am I going to do with this time off? I'm glad you asked. I've decided to head up to Seoul for a few days and do some sightseeing. There's plenty that I haven't seen in Daegu yet, but to feel like this is a real vacation, I need to take off and go somewhere. It should be fun and an adventure. On a whim I decided to book a hostel and will take a train up tomorrow morning. I will be back in Daegu for New Years.

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